Low Cost Flight Deals For
School Holidays


Here's How To Get Started

Current Free Deals

Expired Premium Deals


Are you sure this is free?

Yes, it sure is. You will receive flight deals through your account, email and our app for free and for however long you are a member. We also offer a low cost premium membership which gives you access to even more cheap flights and offers.

I can only travel during school holidays, can you help?

Our focus is exclusively for flights/holidays during the UK School Holidays and all deals that you receive from us will be within this period. Unlike many other flight clubs, we won't bombard you with deals that you can not take.

Where do your flight deals depart from?

Our service covers all major UK airports.

Where will you take me?

Here, there and everywhere. We search worldwide and across all continents. By creating a free account and completing our quick questionnaire, we focus our efforts to your demands.